David Prchal


Founding President, David Prchal established Dynamic Data Group out of Omaha, Nebraska in 2020. His mission is to bridge the gap between small businesses and their data. He brings more than 7 years of Business analysis experience with leading business intelligence tools, specializing in DOMO. David was previously Lead Business Analyst at the Federal Savings Bank and Insureon, where he led all development focused on data warehousing and Business Intelligence solutions. David has personally experienced the cost and complexity of creating on-premises analysis and reporting solutions. He recognized the need to provide that competitive edge to small businesses.

As a result of this, Dynamic Data Group was born. Prchal now helps businesses on a large scale from all over the world through the use of his remote team of skilled analysts that function with the speed and accuracy of an in-house analytics team.

David holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Finance from Chicago State University. When David steps away from the office, you’ll find him keeping an active lifestyle running, traveling, or training for his next triathlon.